Be kind – ditch the script & start a conversation
How are you feeling about the month ahead? I woke up this morning feeling pretty low and under the weather, though I’m pleased to say I haven’t caught the virus! The grey miserable view outside did little to help chase away the blues and start a conversation.
Knowing that I probably shouldn’t, I decided to call my phone provider and do something about my phone contract that’s about to expire. I dread these calls. You never know whether you’re going to get someone who knows how to start a conversation and tell stories or whether you’re going to get someone reading a sales script.
First up, I got the script reader. After three failed attempts at my name, I said I’d called in error and hung up.
Take 2. I got through to a delightful man called Gary in Northern Ireland. He called me Lyn. His tone was that of a mate. Warm, friendly, fun. Here was a man who knew how to start a conversation.
He was totally relatable and understood how people might be feeling, “People sometimes feel rude and grumpy, but I know it’s not personal; and so many people are worried about money. I’ve switched all our phones to sim-only for now so we have more money for Christmas.”
When discussing products, he brought his own experiences into the conversation and the reasons for his choices. I felt as if I was getting recommendations from a trusted friend; not a trace of ‘sales’. He did all my research for me, looking up the specs of candidate phones. He was quite happy for me to explore sim-only arrangements as opposed to phone upgrades.
His kindness and understanding even led to him sharing a story about how he helped an older woman who was afraid to go out and needed some help with her property – nothing to do with comms. “She was scared. I just got her address and called her local council so they could go and help her. It was just a phone call.” Such kindness.
I could feel my spirits start to lift. We traded stories, vulnerabilities, feelings and fears of our time. He told me all about the dog he’s just rescued. We had a little rant about politics here and across the pond, all sprinkled with laughter, openness and we got the business done.
We agreed what I should buy for now and he gave me a discount.
Then he suggested when I should call back to review my decision. I panicked. What if I got another script reader. I shared my concern. “I know what you mean,” he said and joked, “As an Irishman, I love to talk. Imagine getting paid for it!” He offered to keep my account open and call me back in three months. Phew! I felt relieved and in safe hands.
It literally pays to be kind. And what value do you put on the emotional experience of such a conversation? As we brought the call to a close, Gary said “This has been the most enjoyable call I’ve had since I joined the company four years ago.” I replied, “I was feeling pretty miserable when we first started talking and now I feel so much happier. Thank you, Gary, it’s been a real pleasure.”